Achieve Your Objectives With More Efficiency
Create and organize online tests using campaigns suited to your unique usecase. Analysis of candidate results can be done from a single dashboard.
Achieve Your Objectives With More Efficiency
Create and organize online tests using campaigns suited to your unique usecase. Analysis of candidate results can be done from a single dashboard.
Set Up A New Test In A Snap
With TestOnion pre-built tests you can get started right away. No hassles, just import and you are good to go!
Set Up A New Test In A Snap
With TestOnion pre-built tests you can get started right away. No hassles, just import and you are good to go!
Dynamic Candidate Enrollment
Save time by creating new candidates in a snap using file import or you could let candidates enroll themselves by using the unique Campaign Enrollment Link.
Dynamic Candidate Enrollment
Save time by creating new candidates in a snap using file import or you could let candidates enroll themselves by using the unique Campaign Enrollment Link.
Set Up A New Test In A Snap
With TestOnion pre-built tests you can get started right away. No hassles, just import and you are good to go!
Set Up A New Test In A Snap
With TestOnion pre-built tests you can get started right away. No hassles, just import and you are good to go!